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Here are a few hacks to make your commute stress & anxiety free


BY KEVIN SAWYER – For most of us, the daily commute to and from work is just one of those potentially hazardous situations we must all face everyday. It can be a stress and anxiety filled experience if you let it. It really is all up to you. It’s how you approach your drive and the environment that surrounds you that can make all the difference. Create your own environment. Act rather than react.

  • Believe it or not, going to the bathroom before you head out can help tremendously. The challenge is if you don’t, and end up having to go while you are in transit, the stress and the anxiety will begin to build within you. Your driving will become immediately distracted and erratic because you can think of nothing else and your eyes are searching for a place to pull over rather that looking at what you should be looking at. Also, it will cause you to drive faster and will ignite road rage for no good reason.
  • Morning and afternoon drive time radio can be little more than commercials and babbling idiot DJ’s talking about things they think you’re going to give a darn about. So, remove the commercials and the DJ drivel from your commute by putting together your own “mix tape” as the old school would have it. Take the time over a few days to record all of your favorites. Listening to music you actually love listening to will go along way toward removing the stress of the road.
  • Be a defensive driver and when it doubt, give ground. Don’t cut someone off. Let them in. Let them change lanes. They are just like you, ya know. They just want to get to work, too. Be courteous and polite for a change. See how much better you feel because of it.
  • Leave your pretend NCIS cop attitude at home. Let the police worry about drivers who aren’t exactly displaying pure form with regard to the rules of the road. You don’t need any more anxiety or distraction. You don’t need to get into an accident or a confrontation. It is amazing at how many women actually give the finger to men in traffic. What is wrong with you? What if he is a tad deranged and at the next light he decides to get out of his vehicle and beat the living crap out of you? Then what?
  • Finally, do some breathing. It’s astounding at how many people just don’t breathe properly or at all most of the time. Learn how to do it and it will help calm you down and keep you even as you navigate your daily way toward where you need to be.