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Traveling with Pets

For many of us, our pets are more than just animals. They are furry members of our family. When it comes to taking a vacation of just doing some general traveling, we often feel bad about leaving them behind. But taking them with us can be too complicated… right? Wrong. There are a number of ways that you can very successfully travel with your pet. Whether you are flying or driving, there is no reason that you can’t take your favorite pets with you on your vacation. After all, they need a vacation every now and then, too.

Dog in the Car to catch a chillFlying with your pet can be a challenge, especially if your pet is a large one. Thankfully, many airlines accommodate animals of most sizes. With airline regulations these days, you need to make sure that your pet and the crate he or she is traveling in fit all the regulations and requirements. To ensure a smooth transition from the ground to the plane, make sure you have all your pet’s vet records within easy reach and that your pet is properly secured. Some animals become nervous when flying, so if you are flying with your pet for the first time, make sure it is a short flight to see how he or she handles flying.

Car travel is one of the easiest ways to travel with your pet. Whether they just lay down in the backseat during the trip or if they are in their kennel in the back for the trip, this method of travel is fairly easy on your animals. Some pets, just like people, do not like being cooped up in the car for long periods of time, and they may not have the same appetite while you are on the trip. Keep a water bottle and a bowl handy so your pet can get a drink whenever you stop, and make sure you stop every couple of hours to allow your pet a chance to go to the bathroom. This is a great way to avoid any unwanted accidents on your back seat.

One of the more unique ways to travel with your pet is to travel using a motor home or an RV. Animals who frequently travel in these vehicles tend to think of them as a second home, which makes them much more comfortable when they are traveling. There is no size limit on your animal when using an RV or motor home, as long as your pet can fit inside the doorway and get up the steps. This mode of travel gives your pets the unique experience of being able to meet other people and other pets when on the road. Many people who travel in RVs or motor homes do so specifically so they don’t have to leave their pets at home. Campgrounds have hundreds of great smells and new things for your pet to see. Traveling does not have to be an adventure for just people. Pets who get used to traveling often learn to love it.